Jul 10, 2015

Greece Debt hoax fake IMF/ECB loans: D'Alemma in truth in plain sight

The hundreds of billions in Greek debt / loans are as real as the trillions that the chinese stock "market" lost in the last days.

Debt hoax: fake IMF/ECB loans: D'Alemma in truth in plain sight
D'Alemma has been playing the role of controlled opposition in key agendas for decades now.
Best example: in 1999 he was playing for a while the only EU goverment to oppose the coming bombings of Serbia.

Debt hoax: the fake loans: 
Illuminati agent D'Alemma fulfills illuminati religion's commandment of truth in plain sight.
At the same time D'Alemma repeats these hoaxes
- the numbers about the fake loans: "hundreds of billions of euros".
- the starting point: "Germany is rich and Greece is poor" as implied in "The poor country is getting poorer, the rich country richer".
In other words: D'Alemma diverts from the core of the hoax: the main goal of the debt hoax is not to make greeks (same for portuguese & Co) believe the billions in fake loans but to divert from the billions generated by their economy, from agriculture to tourism, transferred by the treasonous government to the illuminati central safes.

"We gave Greece 250 billion. Euro, but not for the pensions of the Greeks, but to pay interest to the banks," ...
"In a poor country like Greece, enormous sums are being transferred to a rich country like Germany by the difference in interest rates. The poor country is getting poorer, the rich country richer "
"When the impoverished country can no longer pay debts therein comes the European aid. We gave Greece 250 billion. Euro, but not for the pensions of the Greeks, but to pay interest on the German, French and a small percentage in Italian banks. Two hundred and twenty billion of the Euro 250 billion assistance went directly to the German ... banks"
"In fact, when it is said that we pay the pensions of the Greeks-this is a lie we do not, we pay the German banks. This is true. This is money making a circle, but the Greeks did not even get a wiff of the moneys smell. "

What d'Alemma won't tell is the core lie:
Greece: Debt *MORE* than TOTAL HOAX, it's illuminati fulfilling BLACK is WHITE

"Markets" is nothing but a psy-op used mostly to mock human cattle.
The remants of a market were annihilated by successive psy-ops from 1990 until 2001 ("new economy" / Dot-com bubble; price manipulation of of raw materials pushed to the limits with oil, etc).

Global Slavery From the USA to CHINA. Start here:
CHINA: Organ Harvesting from slaves - HORRIBLE TRUTH - what illuminati puppets are doing to chinese

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